Sunday, July 24, 2011

Balance Brings Bliss!

Ahhhh.......the quietness of night. 

I find myself reflecting over the past few days.  I decided to take a break from all that I love to do.....creating, working at the VAVA  and spend some much needed time at the lake with my family.

Needless to say I realized just how much I have missed this!  Over the past few years I have put so much into doing what I love (creating and working at VAVA) that I have forgotton how to just BE!

 I love summers at the lake, family time, time with nature and all that it brings to the soul,  but I have so busy that I didn't have time to think about what I was missing.

My time at the lake was, well, WONDERFUL!  It was like getting my battery charged.  I had time to think or not.  No pressures or deadlines, no have to's or shoulds.  Simply....just be!  How wonderful!  My mind did not need to be creative, but just enjoy what was. 

I realized I am most happy when I have balance in my life.  It is hard to control creativity when it comes and I am thankful it does, but I realize I also need time to just be.
Yes, I remember....... Balance Brings Bliss!

Seek Tranquility by the Lake

I started my morning sipping a cup of java to this view.....oh how wonderful it was!  My husband and puppy dogs by my was a piece of heaven, a perfect Sunday morning. 
As the day went on my mind started pondering on how to have balance, do what I love, but also take time to just BE!

I  love CREATING, jewelry being my favorite, but when I opened the store, which,  I love, I  had to  less and less time to create and  less time with my family and friends.  It seemed as though I had no time to just be
As the day went on I realized I wanted to change this.  But, how I wondered?

It is by personal choice how we spend our time.  I choose balance, yes,  I guess you could say I want the best of both worlds!

So, how to do this?  Well, I belive I figured it out......

I will continue creating and working at the store, but I will now split my time between the two.  Creating a BALANCE, which will also allow more time with my family AND to just BE!

 Now that Balance Brings Bliss!

When I am not at the store you will be able to reach me by phone (701) 729-6652 AND the online store is always available as well as the social medias: facebook and twitter.  The  online stores at:

Friend me on facebook: Vava Boutique.
Be sure to follow my blog at  to keep up to date on all the VAVA BUZZ, as well as info on new products, special events, store OPEN dates and more!

Until next time......
Heart Full of Wishes,

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