Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Passion for PINK.......VAVA STYLE!™

October is the month for PINK awareness and am PASSIONATE about including awareness when I create.  I have several designs for awareness.
The PURRfect in PINK ® has a cat design.  This is a FUN design and a PURRfect way to bring awareness!

 Poochie Paws®  was the very first design I created and it involves my love of dogs.  I use the two PINK paws to represent awareness thru the faithful companions.  They are by our side no matter what life brings our way.

I have also designed jewelry to pair up with these designs.

Sea Inspired Jewels & Designs

A Sea of PINK bracelet/AWARENESS

I HOPE during this month of AWARENESS you will be INSPIRED to show your SUPPORT
of this worthy cause!

A portion of PINK proceeds to local breast cancer awareness.

Until next time,
A HEART full of wishes,
Sherry <3

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

VAVA® Buzz this week.......  in the CLC® Studio...... creating Lingerie!
Pictured: Jungle Jane babydoll....this one is sure to make your "TARZAN" go weak in the knees!!! ♥

Being the Romantic Girl®
 that I am the signature crystal HEART
will be an embellishment on all the lingerie

Until next time.......
Heart full of Wishes
Sherry <3

Monday, August 29, 2011

Oh Baby!

With the recent news of our second grandchild on the way I have had the bug to create some baby items.

                                             Baby Burps in Leopard
                                  these are so soft next to baby's skin        
Of course add a few newborn hats
and I'm sure a little dress or two!

My oldest daughter. Rachel was the inspiration
for Baby LuvBug.
That is what her dad and I called since the first time
we saw her sweet little face.
We have recently found out she will be having a little girl of her own yes, our second grandchild is going to be a precious little girl.
That will be  Baby LuvBug #2
Until next time.......
Heart full of Wishes, Sherry


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Relax, Refresh, Renew

Looking at my puppy, Eva Rose, I am reminded how we all need time to Relax, Refresh, Renew. 
As much as I LOVE what I do, my NECESSARY OBSESSION of creating, I realize there is a time when that needs to be set aside.  A time for sitting still, relaxing and unwinding from doing.

It has been quite some time since I have did that over the past couple of years.  It is time.  Time to JUST BE!  I am looking forward to it!

.                                                          I will be inspired by the beauty of  nature and her colors.

                                                                      Take time to enjoy a sweet treat or two!
Kick off my heels........

Enjoy a glass or two of wine......

Dip my toes in the water.....

Maybe I will sleep in.....

Spend time with those I LOVE....

Maybe I will steal a kiss or two....

But in the end I will be Relaxed, Refreshed and yes, Renewed!

Until next time
Today Has Great Possibility!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Babydolls for the Romantic Girl!®

Being a Romantic Girl® I am having a BLAST choosing fabrics and trims for the babydolls I'm working on this week!  I think the color wil be.......well, I will leave it at that!  Check back soon for pics!

I am hoping to have these  in the store early to middle of next week.  Quanties will be limited, so be sure to stop by soon to get the first peek!

Follow my blog for updates!
As always  I can also be reached by phone (701) 729-6652, and the online store is ALWAYS available as well as facebook and twitter.

Until next time!

Today Has Great Possibility!
So many choices!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh Monday!

Oh Monday where have you gone again???  I know some people dread Monday and the thought of another work week, but I LOVE it!  I just wish they didn't go by so quickly!

I have started on my new journey......dividing my time between working in the studio and store.  It is definitely going to be a transition.  So far going smoothly.  Trying to stay on task with such a beautiful day calling me outside!

I am adding some things back to my personal studio from the store.  I am looking forward to getting back into the actual sewing and jewelry making very soon.  First things first.

I hope your Monday has had some "ENJOY" in it.  It's there.....just look for it!

Today Has Great Possibility!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Balance Brings Bliss!

Ahhhh.......the quietness of night. 

I find myself reflecting over the past few days.  I decided to take a break from all that I love to do.....creating, working at the VAVA  and spend some much needed time at the lake with my family.

Needless to say I realized just how much I have missed this!  Over the past few years I have put so much into doing what I love (creating and working at VAVA) that I have forgotton how to just BE!

 I love summers at the lake, family time, time with nature and all that it brings to the soul,  but I have so busy that I didn't have time to think about what I was missing.

My time at the lake was, well, WONDERFUL!  It was like getting my battery charged.  I had time to think or not.  No pressures or deadlines, no have to's or shoulds.  Simply....just be!  How wonderful!  My mind did not need to be creative, but just enjoy what was. 

I realized I am most happy when I have balance in my life.  It is hard to control creativity when it comes and I am thankful it does, but I realize I also need time to just be.
Yes, I remember....... Balance Brings Bliss!

Seek Tranquility by the Lake

I started my morning sipping a cup of java to this view.....oh how wonderful it was!  My husband and puppy dogs by my was a piece of heaven, a perfect Sunday morning. 
As the day went on my mind started pondering on how to have balance, do what I love, but also take time to just BE!

I  love CREATING, jewelry being my favorite, but when I opened the store, which,  I love, I  had to  less and less time to create and  less time with my family and friends.  It seemed as though I had no time to just be
As the day went on I realized I wanted to change this.  But, how I wondered?

It is by personal choice how we spend our time.  I choose balance, yes,  I guess you could say I want the best of both worlds!

So, how to do this?  Well, I belive I figured it out......

I will continue creating and working at the store, but I will now split my time between the two.  Creating a BALANCE, which will also allow more time with my family AND to just BE!

 Now that Balance Brings Bliss!

When I am not at the store you will be able to reach me by phone (701) 729-6652 AND the online store is always available as well as the social medias: facebook and twitter.  The  online stores at:

Friend me on facebook: Vava Boutique.
Be sure to follow my blog at  to keep up to date on all the VAVA BUZZ, as well as info on new products, special events, store OPEN dates and more!

Until next time......
Heart Full of Wishes,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summertime Hello!

Ahhh....... yes, SUMMERTIME.....time to relax and enjoy being outside after a long winter indoors.  Summertime is simply too short for this Fargo Girl!

I have Shop, Relax, Enjoy painted on the walls of the shop to remind us all to relax and enjoy the moment whatever you may be doing.  Be sure to get a little "ENJOY" in your day!

ENJOY your summer!
Today Has Great Possibility!

Until next time <3


VAVA On Broadway®: Let the blogging begin....VAVA STYLE!™

VAVA On Broadway®: Let the blogging begin....VAVA STYLE!™: "Keep updated on the VAVA ® BUZZ! All the NEWS on new arrivals, merchandise, brands, designs and, of course, all the latest on VAVA Girls..."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Line......

Add a little humor & pampering to the CRAZINESS of HORMONES.........Eve's Garden®
Our NEW line of bath salts, bubble baths and notecards.  The name was inspired by Eve in the Garden of Eden.  She could have eaten whatever she wanted…..what woman wouldn’t LOVE that!
Instead of a piece of heavenly chocolate she chose the forbidden apple.  Now all women suffer with the CRAZINESS of hormones!
Eve’s Garden®
Heavenly Bath Products & Notecards   

Let the blogging begin....VAVA STYLE!™

Keep updated on the VAVA® BUZZ!   All the NEWS on new arrivals, merchandise, brands, designs and, of course, all the latest on VAVA Girls® & VAVA Girl® V.I.P. Club.
VAVA Girl®
VAVA® Baby!